Purim and the Church Age

Comparing and Contrasting Purim and the Church Age.


The Parallels:


  1. God’s will sees Haman destroyed by the Jews and at the Resurrection we see that God dealt with sin, Satan, death and Hell through Jesus the Jew, the Lord of Glory.
  1. Persia is a type of the world and its ways – feasting and playing (1:1-5) while we fast and pray.
  1. Esther (4:14) intercedes just as we do.
  1. Haman is a type of the anti-Christ like many others. Mordecai is like Yeshua, a deliverer.
  1. Haman wants to destroy God’s people as does the Devil, he hates the Church and tries to thwart the Gospel whenever he can, coming against God’s plan of salvation. They have to bow to him! Anti-Christ gives a mark!
  1. Haman had 10 sons just as the anti-Christ will have ten kings under him during the Tribulation period. (Revelation 17:12).