(Inspired by Pastor S. D. Lockridge)
- He is:
- King of the Jews (a racial king);
- King of Israel (a national king);
- King of all the Ages;
- King of Heaven;
- King of Glory;
- King of Kings;
- …and Lord of Lords. [Do you know Him? Do you really?]
- A prophet before Moses;
- A priest after Melchizedek;
- A champion like Joshua;
- An offering in place of Isaac;
- A king from the line of David;
- A wise counsellor above Solomon;
- A beloved / rejected / exalted son like Joseph.
- …and yet far more…
- The Heavens declare His glory…and the firmament shows His handiwork…
- He who Is, who Was, and who Always Will Be;
- The First and the Last
- He is the Alpha and the Omega
the Aleph and the Tau
the A and the Z;
- He is the first fruits of them that slept.
- He is the אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
- the “I AM that I AM” [the Voice of the Burning Bush!]
- He is the Captain of the Lord’s Host
- He was the conqueror of Jericho
He is entirely sincere;
He is eternally steadfast;
- He is immortally graceful;
He is imperially powerful;
He is impartially merciful;
- In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily;
- The very God of very God.
- He is our Kinsman-Redeemer
and He is our Avenger of Blood;
- He is our City of Refuge;
our Performing High Priest,
our Personal Prophet,
our Reigning King.
- He’s the Loftiest idea in Literature;
- He’s the highest Personality in Philosophy;
- He’s the Fundamental Doctrine of Theology;
- He’s the Supreme Problem in “higher criticism”!
- He’s the Miracle of the Ages
the Superlative of everything good.
- We are the beneficiaries of a Love Letter:
It was written in blood, on a wooden cross
erected in Judea 2,000 years ago.
He was crucified on a cross of wood,
yet He made the hill on which it stood.
- By Him were all things made that were made;
without Him was not anything made that was made;
- By Him are all things held together!
- What held Him to that cross?
(At any time He could have declared, “I’m out of here!”)
- It was His love for you and me.
so that we could be born of God;
so that we could be lifted up;
so that we could be made co-heirs;
so that we could become His friends;
so that we could freely receive all things;
so that He could bless us in every way.
- Is Available to the tempted and the tried;
- Blesses the young;
- Cleanses the lepers;
- Defends the feeble;
- Delivers the captives;
- Discharges the debtors;
- Forgives the sinners;
- Franchises the meek;
- Guards the besieged;
- Heals the sick;
- Provides strength to the weak;
- Regards the aged;
- Rewards the diligent;
- Serves the unfortunate;
- Sympathizes and He saves!
- His Offices are manifold;
- His Reign is righteous;
- His Promises are sure;
- His Goodness is limitless;
- His Light is matchless;
- His Grace is sufficient;
- His Love never changes;
- His Mercy is everlasting;
- His Word is enough;
- His Yoke is easy and
- His Burden is light!
- The Heaven of heavens cannot contain Him;
Man cannot explain Him
- The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him
and learned that they couldn’t stop Him;
- Pilate couldn’t find any fault with Him;
the witnesses couldn’t agree against Him.
death couldn’t handle Him
the grave couldn’t hold Him!
- He has always been and always will be;
He had no predecessor and will have no successor;
You can’t impeach Him and He isn’t going to resign!
- His name is above every name;
That at the name of Yeshua
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue shall confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord!
- His is the kingdom, the power, and the glory… for ever, and ever. …Amen!
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