Salvation Sevenfold

Salvation (Soteriology)


Soteriology – is the doctrine of salvation and it is the grandest theme in the Holy Scriptures. It embraces all of time, past and future as well as eternity.        It is the theme of both the Tanach and the Brit Hadasha, the Old and New Testaments. It is personal to those who believe be they Jew or Gentile and it centres on the greatest person, Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach, the Lord Jesus the Messiah, the one who came bringing salvation and the gift of eternal life.     God the Father sent His only Son and the Holy Spirit who inhabits the bodies of those who believe and confess their sins and so becoming ‘born again’ disciples.                        (The word ‘salvation’ is the translation of the Greek word ‘Soteria’ which is derived from the word ‘Soter’ meaning Saviour).


Salvation Sevenfold.

Saved by Grace (Ephesians 2:5) – Actually.

Saved through Faith (Ephesians 2:8) – Instrumentally.

Saved through Water (1 Peter 3:21) – Confessedly.

Saved by Works (James 2:14) – Evidentially.

Saved by His Life (Romans 5:9) – Practically.

Saved in Hope (Romans 8:24) – Prospectively.

Saved at His Coming (Philippians 3:20-21) – Eternally.


Salvation (Past, Present, Future)

Past – From Sin’s Penalty – Acts 28:17-18; Rom 1:16; 1 Cor 15:2; 2 Tim 1:9.

Present – From Sin’s Power – Rom 5:9; 1 Tim 4:10; Heb 7:25; James 1:21.

Future – From Sin’s Presence – Rom 13:11; 1 Thess 5:8; Phil 3:20; Heb 9:28.

The First is immediate, secured by Messiah’s Death.

The Second is continuous by Messiah’s Life.

The Third is prospective at Messiah’s Coming.