The 4 Cups of Passover

They relate to the 4 promises of God in Exodus 6:6-7.

“I will bring you out”
“I will rescue you from their bondage”
“I will redeem you”
“I will take you as My people”


1st Filling – The Cup of Thanks and Sanctification.

Luke 22:17 shows us this cup. Then he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said. “Take this and divide it among yourselves.”


2nd Filling – The Cup of Praise and Plagues.

Jewish tradition because of the promise in Exodus chapter 6:6 but this will be fulfilled when Yeshua/Jesus returns to reign.


3rd Filling – The Cup of Blessing and Redemption.

Luke 22:19- 20 shows us this cup. And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying,

“This is My body which is given for you, do this in

Remembrance of Me.” Likewise He also took the cup after suffer saying, saying, “This cup is the New Covenant in My blood which is shed for you.”


4th Filling – The Cup of Acceptance.

Matthew 26:29 shows us this cup. “I will not henceforth drink of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”


A fifth cup has been added due to the promise in Malachi.

5th Filling – The Cup of Elijah.

Malachi 4:5. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord.”