The 5 Books of Moshe (Moses)

The collective name for the first five books of the Tanakh is Chumash (plural) which comes from the word Chamash, the Hebrew word for the number 5.


1, Bereisheet/Bereshith/B’resheit – Genesis – The Book for Sinners.

The Hebrew word means ‘in the beginning’ or ‘at the start’. Bereisheet is also referred to as Sefer Rishon (The First Book) and also as Sefer Beri’at HaOlam (The Book of the Creation of the World). This book after the Creation narrative deals with the beginning of sin and its consequences! This is seen in the closing words ‘a coffin in Egypt’.


2, Shemot – Exodus – The Book for Sons.

This Hebrew word means ‘names’. This book deals with the great need of ruined mankind – Redemption. It is then the book for those who become the sons of God (Elohim). Our names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Our own exodus started when we came out of Egypt, being a type of the world. The Hebrew root word for Egypt also means a prison. Through Moshiach (Messiah) we are redeemed and set free from an eternal prison – Hell and the Lake of Fire.   


3, Vayikra – Leviticus – The Book for Saints.

This Hebrew word means ‘and He called’. We are called to be saints of the Lord God Almighty who has called us out of our sinful state and life.


4, Bamidbar – Numbers – The Book for Sojourners.

This Hebrew word means ‘in the wilderness’. We were once in a wilderness, the world, but now we are sojourners, we are just passing through. Our journey is one of walking with Adoneinu Yeshua (Our Lord Jesus). He has promised He will never leave us, once we were lost sinners, now we are His saints. (bey-nav shel Yehovah El Chai), sons of the Living God.


5, Devarim – Deuteronomy – The Book for Students.

This Hebrew word means ‘words’. We have the Word of God to study as students. It is a life time occupation as we learn to trust and obey, for there truly is no other way! Key verses, see Proverbs 14:12 and John 14:6