The Angel Jehovah

Ha Malach Yehovah (The Angel Jehovah).


Introduction:      In ancient Hebrew we have an Angel who has all the attributes of being a Divine Person being The Lord Jehovah which gives us and confirms the doctrine of the blessed Trinity or Triunity of the glorious Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit.)



 We have 7 Propositions and 7 Appearances of this

Angel within the Tanach or the Old Testament before

the New Testament or Covenant was given.

(cf. Jeremiah 23:3-8.)


The name of God is given as YHWH  Tsidkenu –

The Lord our Righteousness.


(cf. 1 Corinthians 1:30-31; Jeremiah 9:23-26.)



 The 7 Promised Propositions.


  1. We read of one in the midrashim writings called the angel of Yehovah, who appeared within the Tanach to different people.


  1. This angel Yehovah the Rabbi’s call by different names.


  1. In all these appearances they say it was the same person.


  1. This angel Yehovah they believed to have been the promised Messiah, who was to become incarnate.


  1. To this angel Yehovah are ascribed the incommunicable names and titles of Yehovah and therefore he could not have been a created angel.


  1. This angel Yehovah was not the Father, but a distinct person from Him.


  1. Hence it is evident that our ancient and indeed some modern Rabbi’s believed the Messiah to be Yehovah, the true and living God, the second person in the blessed Trinity, or the Tri-unity of the Godhead.


The 7 Appearances.


  1. To Hagar – Genesis 16:7-14.


  1. To Abraham – Genesis 22:11-12; 15-18.


  1. To Jacob – Genesis 28:10-22 and 35:1,7 and compare 48:15-16.


  1. Moses – Exodus chapter 3.


  1. Joshua – Joshua 5:13-15; 6:2.


  1. Gideon – Judges 6;11-24.


  1. Manoah and his wife – Judges 13:2-13.