(The Meaning of The Word)
We are looking at The Feast of Hanukkah, however I don’t want to go through the Historical details about everything that happened. What I will say is what happened concerning the Abomination that took place, that it was simply an outworking of God’s Prophetic Word, it merely foreshadowed what antichrist will do someday. We learn this from both The Prophet Daniel and The Apostle John in (The Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus Christ).
We don’t find The Feast of Hanukkah directly referred to in The Tanakh, this is because like The Feast of Purim they were not a feast of The Lord as such but were celebrations of a wonderful victoried won by The Lord through His people.
As I said we don’t find Hanukkah in the Tanakh, but we do find hints of it which we will explore in a little while. But for now, let’s look at where we do see Hanukkah.
(John’s Gospel Chapter 10:22-24) we see from verse 22 that Messiah Yeshua is in Jerusalem, it is wintertime and it’s The Feast of Dedication, and now in verse 23, He is in Ulah Shlomo, Solomon’s Hall or porch or portico. This shows to us that this Feast has ‘Great Significance’ for us as believers in Messiah Yeshua.
Read verse 24 as this is the Pharisees now, they had a Hidden Agenda in saying this, they weren’t looking for a verbal response from Him, they were attempting to goad Him into entering The Holy of Holies.
Where Yeshuah was is the place where King Solomon would go as this is the very closest place that you can get to The Holy of Holies. (say of being a Priest) It was a Very Special and Significant Place.
The Pharisees believed that The Messiah would enter The Holy Of Holies On Hanukkah to bring in The Kingdom (Millennial Kingdom) they didn’t accept that He was The Messiah and they believed if He entered that He would be struck down and they would be rid of Him, (if you recall Aaron’s 2 sons who were struck down because they brought strange fire)
This was NOT the time, although He will do it one day. Now don’t hear me wrong here I’m NOT saying that it will be at Hanukkah when He does this.
We shouldn’t SET DATES, It’s all in The Fathers Hands.
Just before we look at The Hint of Hanukkah, I just want to look at a couple of scriptures, one from the Book of Daniel and one from the Prophet Zechariah. Daniel Ch 12:11-12 and Zechariah Ch 12:10. more
read the verses in Daniel, we see here a change, before we had 1,260 days and now, we have 1,290 days, 30 days extra, then in verse 12 we read 1,335 days another 45 days. Now let’s read Zechariah Ch 12:10. Messiah Yeshua is speaking here, “They will look on ME Whom They Have PIERCED, yes, they will Mourn.” There are examples in scripture of this 30 Days of Mourning, for Moses and his sister Miriam and with that we then have 1,290 days.
We have in Daniel 1,335 days, 75 more days than before, interestingly there are precisely 75 days from The Day of Atonement to The Feast of Hanukkah. Again, I’m not setting DATES, however we see it here in the scriptures.
Haggai Ch 2:1, read verse, this is like Johns Gospel and verse in verse 7 Yeshua is going up to Jerusalem. Then in Haggai Ch 2:7 we read that ALL Nations will come up to Jerusalem, (And I will fill the Temple with Glory) we’re speaking of The Holy of Holies here. Then in verse 9 we read The Glory of This Latter TEMPLE, this is not correct, The Hebrew word here is (Acharon) which means THE LAST this is important because, This Is the LAST TEMPLE which WILL be built.
We then read in verse 10, On The 24th Day of the 9th Month (Chislev), This is the day before the start of Hanukkah. Then in verses 15 & 18 we see that we should be very Attentive to This (to carefully consider), we have the foundations laid and The Temple Built. Then in verse 20 we read Yeshua will do that which NEEDS to be DONE. He Himself Will Enter The Holy Of Holies, The Temple will be cleansed and dedicated To The Worship Of The God Of ISRAEL, THE GLORY OF THE LORD WILL FILL THE TEMPLE LIKE NEVER BEFORE. HALLELUJAH! AMEN.
The Feast of Hanukkah is so very Important Because It Relates to The Establishment of THE KINGDOM, and in Fact the very Name of The Books Author is Translated MY FESTIVAL.