The Gog and Magog War in Israel

Ezekiel 38:1-23 and 39:1-20.


The Timing:-


  1. The terms used ‘In the latter years’ Ezek 38:8.

and then ‘In the latter days’ Ezek 38:16. Also we

have ‘This is the day I have spoken of.’ Ezek 39:8.

The term ‘the Mountains of Israel’ – is used 4 times.

Ezek 38:8; 39:2, 4, 17. Mountains – 2 times (38:20-21)

The Nations Named and Involved:-

Russia, Gomer, Togarmah, Persia, Libya, Ethiopia.

(Russia, Eastern Europe, Southern Russia/Turkey, modern day Iran, Libya, Ethiopia.

Others pulled in and involved may include Iraq*, Syria*, Lebanon – via Hezbollah forces, Jordan,  Hamas, the PLO and now of course ISIS* fighters.

The Reason for the Invasion and War:-

1)  To take a spoil, Israel’s riches. Ezekiel 38:11-12.


2)  To challenge the authority of the Anti-Christ and

those who support Israel – Daniel 11:40-44.

The Results of the War!


1)  The combined enemies of Israel totally destroyed by God – Ezekiel 38:21-23. Ezekiel 39:2.

a) An earthquake in Israel – Ezek 38:19-20.

b) A mutiny and confusion amongst the troops

               Ezekiel 38:21. (cf. Gideon)

c) A plague (pestilence) will touch them.

             Flooding rain – on vehicles and men. Job 38:22-23

             Great hailstones that kill or injure.

             Fire and brimstoneEzek 38:22.

d) A feast of flesh, fat and blood for the birds and beasts on the Mountains of Israel. Ezekiel 39:17-20.   

The Revenge of the Lord!


a) Fire on Magog and those who live in security in the coastlands, so they know He is the Lord. Ezekiel 39:6. (cf. 38:2)

b) Weapons burned for 7 yearsEzekiel 39:9-10.

c) Bodies buried (not cremated) for 7 months and

a burial place for Gog in Israel – Ezekiel 39:11-16.


The Renewal of Israel and return of the captives.


a) The holiness and fear of Israel before the Lord.

                                                       Ezekiel 39:7, 21-29.