The Humility of our Lord Yeshua.

Key verses: Philippians 2:5-8.


Key point: His life had no pride of –

  1. Birth and RankLuke 2:7. Mark 6:3.

‘Is this not the carpenter’s son?’

  1. Respectability – John 1:46.

 ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth’

  1. Personal AppearanceIsaiah 53:2.

No stately stature or splendour.

  1. LearningJohn 7:15.

‘How knoweth he letters having not studied’

  1. IntellectJohn 8:28.

‘I speak the things My father hath taught Me.’

  1. WealthMatthew 8:20.

‘The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head’

  1. ReputationMatthew 11:19. Luke 15:2

‘A friend of publicans and sinners’

‘This man receives sinners and eats with them’

  1. SuccessJohn 1:11.

‘His own received Him not!’

  1. SuperiorityLuke 22:27.

‘I AM among you, as He that serveth’

     10. AbilityJohn 5:19-20.                                                                                                                                              ‘I can of my own self do nothing’

  1. Self-willJohn 5:30.

‘I seek not my own will but of He who sent Me’

  1. IndependenceLuke 8:3.

 ‘many ministered to Him from their means’

  1. BigotryMark 9:40.

‘He who is not against us is for us’

  1. ResentmentLuke 22:21; 23:34.

‘The hand of My betrayer is with Me’ 

‘Father forgive them’