The Set and
Appointed Feasts
of Yehovah


  1. The Sabbath as the 7th day of the week is set – (Shows a day of REST)


1st Coming of Messiah – Moshiach ben Yosef.

  1. Passover1st Month – 14th Abib – Lev 23:5. 1 Cor 5:7.

        (Pesach)               (Shows the death of Messiah – REDEMPTION)

        Unleavened Bread – 15th to 21st Abib – Lev 23:6-8. 1 Cor 5:8.

        (Hag Hamatzot) (Shows a redeemed life – RIGHTEOUSNESS)

  1. Firstfruits – also in Abib – Lev 23:9-14. 1 Cor 15:23.

        (Bikkurim)          (Shows Messiah’s Resurrection – RESURRECTION)

  1. Pentecost – 3rd Month – 6th Sivan – Lev 23:15-21. Acts1:5; 2:1-4.

        (Shavuot)             (Shows the Church age – REVIVALEph 2:14.

2nd Coming of Messiah – Moshiach ben Dawid.

  1. Trumpets – 7th Month – 1st/2nd of Tishri – Lev 23:23-25. Rev 19:11-21.

        (Yom Teruah)                    (Shows the RETURN of Messiah to rule)

  1. Atonement – 10th Tishri – Lev 23:27-28 (Israel’s souls afflicted)

        (Yom Kippur)                    (Shows His REVEALING)

                                             Zech 12:10-14; 13:1-2 – (Israel’s sin put away)

  1. Tabernacles – 15th to 22nd Tishri – Lev 23:39-43. Zech 8:20-23; 14:16.


(Shows all nations at peace as Messiah REIGNS for 1,000 years)

Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:19-25. Psalm 66:4; 67:4. Rev 20:3-6.


These 7 Feasts of the Lord show us His Perfect Plan and Purposes.
