The Sevenfold Ascriptions of
Praise To The Lamb


Key verse – Revelation 5:12.

‘Saying with a loud voice, worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.’


1)   Power and Authority – Matthew 28:18. (Nebuchadnezzar received power but proved to be unworthy – Daniel 2:37; 4:27)


2)   Riches – Ephesians 3:8. (Jehoshaphat had riches in abundance but proved to be unworthy – 2 Chronicles 18:1)


3)   Wisdom – Colossians 2:3.(Solomon received wisdom but proved to beunworthy – 1 Kings 4:29)


4)   Strength – Isaiah 63:1. (Samson was given strength but proved to be unworthy – Judges 16:19-20)


5)   Honour – Hebrews 2:9. (Adam had honour conferred by God but proved to be unworthy – Genesis 1:27; 3:24)


6)   Glory – Hebrews 2:9. (Aaron wore garments of glory but proved to be unworthy – Exodus 28:2; 32:4)


7)   Blessing (Praise) – 1 Corinthians 10:16. (Many men have been blessed and praised but all have proved to be unworthy – Acts 12:22-23)



Worthy – means to receive honour and attention.


Unworthy – means lacking in excellence.