The Ten Resurrection Appearances of the Lord

Paul had no doubt about the importance of these Resurrection appearances.

1 Corinthians 15: 12 – 19

“Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead. But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up – if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile, you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.”

Yeshua had promised that He would rise on the third day. But clearly some at Corinth were preaching that there is no resurrection; either denying the reality of Yeshua’s resurrection or saying that that it was merely spiritual and not physical.

Whatever the case, these people were contradicting the essential teaching of the apostles that Yeshua had been physically raised from the dead and that believers in Him would also rise. The Resurrection of Yeshua is so important, that without it, there would be no way of saving us from our sins. Without the Resurrection, our faith brings no forgiveness for our sins and no future life in God’s presence. If we have no hope for the future, we are to be pitied for putting out hope in Yeshua.


The Greek word literally means “resurrection out of the dead ones”. When Scripture speaks of resurrection in general, the actual phrase reads “a resurrection of dead ones”. This is the wording of 1 Corinthians 15: 12 which we have just referred to.

If we look at 1 Corinthians 15: 21, the precise translation of the Greek would read: “For since through a man death came, also through a Man came a resurrection of dead persons”.

This shows that Yeshua’s Resurrection included the resurrection of believers to eternal life. When He arose, many arose with Him for they were united with Him in His Resurrection.

Ephesians 2: 4 – 7.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.”. 

Ten Resurrection Appearances by Yeshua to His followers.

Five of these took place on the glorious Resurrection Day. The second five, which were recorded, took place during the forty days which commenced from Resurrection Day and culminated in the Day of Ascension. No doubt there were other appearances which were not written about, and no details are recorded of some of His appearances to individuals.

The five Resurrection Day appearances were: to Mary Magdalene at the tomb; to the other women followers returning from the tomb; to two followers on the road to Emmaus; to Peter individually; and, finally to ten of the eleven disciples (Thomas being absent).

After Resurrection Day, we are told that the following appearances took place: after eight days to all eleven disciples; to seven disciples on the shore of Lake Tiberias; to more than 500 brethren on a mountain side in Galilee; to James individually; and, finally to the disciples before His ascension to heaven.

The Sequence of Events on Resurrection Day.

On that Sunday morning, a group of women including Mary Magdalene, Joanna (the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward), Mary (the mother of James the Less) and others, went to the tomb armed with spices to anoint the body of Yeshua. Clearly, they were not expecting Yeshua to have arisen; they would not have taken the anointing spices unless they were expecting to find a body and for the guards to hopefully move the large stone for them.. They found the stone which they had seen sealing the tomb had been rolled away and that the tomb was empty. They met an angel who told them of the Resurrection. Then they went to tell the disciples having remembered what Yeshua had said about rising from the dead on the third day. The women tell the disciples of their findings and their conversation with the angel.

Peter and John charge off to the tomb. They enter the empty tomb and find the grave clothes neatly folded. They return to Jerusalem. The women who had returned to the tomb with them also depart. But Mary Magdalene remains behind. Yeshua makes His first appearance to her there and they speak. After He departs from Mary, He appears to the group of women returning from the tomb. He tells them to inform the disciples that they had seen Him and that they should return to Galilee.

Yeshua next appears to two followers walking on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  After their encounter with Yeshua, they return to Jerusalem to tell the disciples. However, at some stage (presumably while the two were returning to Jerusalem), Yeshua appears to Peter alone. We know this because by the time the two travellers get back to Jerusalem, the disciples already know of the Resurrection and say, “The Lord is indeed risen and has appeared to Simon”. Finally, on Resurrection Day, Yeshua appears to ten of the disciples in a locked room (Thomas being absent).

First Resurrection Appearance to Mary Magdalene at the Tomb.

When the disciples and the women left the tomb to return to Jerusalem, Mary remained behind weeping at the tomb. Perhaps it was her feelings of grief and loss that caused her to return to the tomb and remain there. Perhaps this was the place where she felt most connected to the Lord.

She had been the last to leave Golgotha and was perhaps the most painfully affected by His death. After speaking with the angel, she saw another figure whom she did not recognize immediately. But when He called her name, she knew it was the Lord. He told her to inform the disciples of His appearance to her and that He would soon ascend to heaven.

Perhaps we should not be surprised that Yeshua first appeared privately with the person lost painfully affected by His death. This was Mary’s reward for her devotion and Yeshua met her in her desperate need.

The Second Resurrection Appearance: The Women Returning from the Tomb.

Just after His encounter with Mary Magdalene, Yeshua appeared to the other women returning from the tomb. Previously they had seen two angels (appearing as men in shining garments) who had told them that Yeshua is alive. The disciples Peter and John had seen the neatly folded grave clothes (not torn off by grave robbers). Making their way back from their second visit to the tomb, Yeshua appeared to them. They held Him by the feet and worshipped Him. He told them to inform the disciples to return to Galilee where He would meet them. These women had loyally followed Him from Galilee and had attended Him at the cross.

Third Resurrection Appearance: to Two Followers on the road to Emmaus.

Emmaus was seven miles west of Jerusalem. Two followers of Yeshua (not of the eleven) walking on a country road away from Jerusalem meet up with someone who seems to be a stranger They do not initially recognise Yeshua as He was seen “in another form” as “their eyes were restrained”.

One of these travellers was called Cleopas and the other is not named (perhaps his wife). They were aware that “certain women of our company” had reported finding Yeshua’s tomb empty and that they said they had spoken to an angel.

As the travellers got near to a village, they insisted that this “stranger” remain with them. As they broke bread, their eyes were opened, and they recognised Him. When He suddenly vanished, they returned to Jerusalem to tell the disciples.

 In their discussions, before Yeshua revealed Himself, Cleopas had described Yeshua as a “prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people”, adding that they had hoped that “it was He who was going to redeem Israel” (I.e., the Messiah). They seemed to be rather sad and discouraged. Perhaps they were among the sceptics (Luke 24: 11) who had doubted the reports of the women: “And their words seemed to them like idle talk, and they did not believe them”.

But Yeshua reminded them of what Scripture had said about Messiah.  They returned to Jerusalem full of excitement and joy, with all doubts and uncertainty gone.


Fourth Resurrection Appearance: to Peter individually.

This was a private conversation between the Lord and Peter. We know that this took place because when the two travellers returned to tell the disciples of their encounter with the risen Lord, they were told, “The Lord is risen indeed and has appeared to Simon.” Paul also referred to this meeting some twenty-five years later, simply saying that Yeshua was seen by Peter and then by the eleven.

It is touching indeed that the disciple to whom Yeshua first appeared was Peter. As the grief of Mary Magdalene made the comforting of her a priority, we may reasonably assume that after his failure at the time of the Lord’s trial, Peter needed to be restored by the Lord. This was commenced in private before being completed before the other disciples by the shore of Lake Tiberias.

Fifth Resurrection Appearance: To Ten Disciples (Thomas being absent).

The disciples were locked away together (except Thomas who was absent). The two believers from the Emmaus Road were with them. As they were speaking, Yeshua suddenly appeared causing a stir. They thought that they were seeing a heavenly apparition but the person before them had “flesh and bones.”

Yeshua’s presence among them was to reassure them of the truth of everything He had told them. He was raised in the same physical body in which He had been put to death. The difference is that this resurrected body is incorruptible and not subject to death. To show this to them, he ate with them and showed His wounds.

Yeshua reminds them that He had told them what would happen. He showed them all that Moses, the prophets and the Psalms had said about Him. They got the message, “He opened their understanding”. Also, “He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. This was probably a pledge from Yeshua in advance of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

The ministry to which Yeshua was calling them would require spiritual power. He was preparing them to receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. At that time, the Holy Spirit would unify the believers into one body and empower them to testify of Yeshua. Having been witnesses to the Resurrection, they could go forth as heralds of the glorious message. But first they must wait for “the promise of the Father” I.e., the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

This appearance completed the first five appearances of the glorious Resurrection Day.  


Yeshua’s Resurrected Body.

To Mary Magdalene, He had appeared as a gardener, and she had not recognised Him. On the Emmaus Road, He appeared to the travellers “in another form”. But it was the same Yeshua in His glorified body. His resurrected body was glorified and could alter in appearance (see John’s description in Revelation 1: 13 – 16). This may explain why He was not immediately recognised.

His resurrected body, real and tangible was able to consume ordinary food. Nevertheless, it possessed certain properties showing supernatural alterations. Yeshua could appear and disappear bodily. He could pass through solid objects such as grave clothes, walls and doors. He could travel great distances in a moment.

The fact that He ascended to heaven demonstrates that this resurrection body was already fit for heaven. Yet it was the same one that went into the tomb, but now glorified. It retained identifying features including the wounds from the nails.


Five Further Resurrection Appearances Leading up to Ascension Day.

These are:

1) To all the disciples including Thomas eight days after Resurrection Day.

2) To seven disciples at Lake Tiberias.

3) To some 500 brethren.

4) To James (His half–brother).

5) And finally at His ascension with all the disciples.

Sixth Resurrection Appearance: to all the disciples including Thomas.

We do not know why Thomas missed the previous appearance to the disciples as a group on Resurrection Day. But on that occasion, Yeshua had shown them his hands and His side. This may have prompted Thomas to say, “unless I see His hands”.

Then Yeshua appeared to all the disciples. Again, He entered a locked room. Thomas had always been loyal if perhaps somewhat pessimistic. As the Lord had done with Mary Magdalene and with Peter on Resurrection Day, He lovingly met Thomas at the point of his weakness. He did not rebuke Thomas for his scepticism but instead compassionately offered him the proof of the Resurrection he wanted.

All the disciples needed some convincing. They were not gullible men; they need to be convinced even with the evidence of their own eyes.

Thomas’s reaction was his acceptance of Yeshua in awesome wonder; “My Lord and My God”. Thomas became convinced of Yeshua’s Resurrection and deity, and Yeshua allowed him to worship Him.

When Yeshua ascended, all who came to believe would have to do so without seeing the resurrected Lord. Yeshua pronounced a blessing on those who would believe without the privilege of the contact which Thomas and the other disciples had.


John 20: 29

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”.

A thought which is echoed in 1 Peter.

1 Peter 1: 8 and 9.

“Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith – the salvation of your souls.”


Seventh Resurrection Appearance: to Seven Disciples at Lake Tiberias.

Later Yeshua appeared to seven of the disciples at Lake Tiberias. They were Simon Peter, Thomas called the twin, Nathaniel, the two sons of Zebedee (James and John), and two others who are not named. They had been fishing but had caught nothing. They did not immediately recognise Yeshua. But when He told them to put out their nets again, they caught a whopping catch of 153 fish. The exact number was probably recorded to reinforce that this was a report of an actual eyewitness. The numerical meaning of 153 is seen as “I AM GOD.” (1 is the number of God, 5 is the number of Grace and 3 is the number of the Tri-Unity of the Godhead.)    

John recognised Yeshua after they made the miraculous catch. No one else had such supernatural power. Yeshua’s actions here in providing fish demonstrated that He would continue to provide for His disciples’ needs. That they had initially caught nothing shows the futility of any human effort apart from divine help and blessing.

Now in John 21: 15 – 19, we have the magnificent counselling session at Lake Tiberias during which Yeshua continues to restore Peter and to prepare him for leadership. This time it is done in a more public way, in front of the other disciples.

Yeshua is preparing Peter to be the mainstay of the church after the Ascension, demonstrating to Peter that He still wanted him for the job: “Feed My lambs”, “Tend My sheep”, “Feed My sheep”. Perhaps Peter, after his previous failure at the time of Yeshua’s trial, needed to be convinced that Yeshua still had confidence in him.

We see Yeshua questioning Peter about his love for his Messiah. In the first two questions to Peter, Yeshua uses the word for “love” based on the Greek term for love “agape”. This term signifies a very powerful love and a total commitment. Peter responds positively but using the Greek term for “love” based on the word “phileo”. This indicates a much less dramatic emotion such as respect and affection. In His third question, Yeshua seems to accept Peter’s previous responses and uses the word based on “phileo” Himself.

Perhaps Yeshua was accepting Peter’s less dramatic response as evidence that Peter was ready to be a more considered and sober leader, rather than the somewhat bombastic and impetuous Peter of the past. Yeshua accepted that Peter was ready to be the kind of leader which the church would require.

Yeshua informed Peter that his work would lead him to a violent death at the hand of enemies. Peter was able to accept this unemotionally, accepting that he would face death to bring glory to God.

Of course, Peter subsequently was a leading figure in the church for three decades knowing that a martyr’s death awaited him, and he wrote:

1 Peter 4: 14 – 16.

“If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you … if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.”


Eighth Resurrection Appearance: to over 500 Brethren in Galilee.

The only mention of this gathering we have is in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.


1 Corinthians 15: 6

“After this (having been seen by Peter and all the disciples) He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep.”

The details of the large gathering are not known. It is believed to have taken place in Galilee. According to Paul’s letter, most of those who attended were still alive and could give testimony concerning this appearance of Yeshua.

The purpose of this meeting seems likely to have provided many witnesses to verify to many what the apostles would be saying.


Ninth Appearance of Yeshua: to James (his half-brother)

1 Corinthians 15: 7

“After that (being seen by the 500 brethren) He was seen by James … “

This, of course, was the half-brother of Yeshua who became the esteemed leader of the church in Jerusalem. Up to this point he had not been a believer. No doubt this would cause a personal rift. But Yeshua was well-aware of James’ qualities. This is the man who would become known as “James the Just”

This reconciliation was important. James would become a respected witness. Although the words of this conversation are not recorded, we can reasonably presume that Yeshua was preparing James for leadership as He had done previously with Peter. And, of course, James acquitted himself in an excellent fashion in the work allocated to him.


Tenth Resurrection Appearance: The Ascension.

Presumably, after the appearance at Lake Tiberias, the disciples returned to Jerusalem. Then Yeshua, on the fortieth day since His Resurrection, led them out to the Mount of Olives, on the eastern side of Jerusalem towards Bethany.

It should be noted that He ascended, that is, He did not suddenly vanish. He departed in full view of the disciples leaving no doubt as to the importance of what was happening. In consequence, “they worshipped Him”.

Their previous doubts were gone. They were ready to do the work to which they had been called. As apostles they would “preach this gospel” in all places resulting in the saving of those who believed and in the condemnation of those who would not believe.

Mark 16: 15.

He who believes and is baptised will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned.”



We opened with the quote from Paul demonstrating that the Resurrection of Yeshua is essential to our faith. Without the Resurrection, and the witness of those to whom He appeared, “the way” would have been consigned to history as an obscure Jewish sect which disappeared at the execution of its leader.

But the Resurrection appearances also show important aspects of our Lord’s compassion. He made Himself known to individuals at their point of greatest need. We saw this with Mary, Peter, Thomas and James. No doubt in the years that have passed, many people could speak of meeting Yeshua when their need was great. 

The Resurrection appearances proved that everything Yeshua had said about Himself as true.

1 Corinthians 15: 58.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”