Yeshua was Anointed
Three Times

Yeshua was Anointed Three Times.

1) With the Ruach HaKadosh for SERVICE – Acts 10:38.

Our Saviour lived a life of selfless service for others, doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the Devil, who cares not but wants to destroy as many people as possible! His cohorts are like minded, evil to the core! Wanting to see lives ruined for all eternity. The Messiah (the Anointed One) has come to set people free from spiritual blindness, bondage and burdens. Jesus is the Servant King, the Good Shepherd who guides, guards and grows us to be like minded. To serve and to love one another.

John 12:26. “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour.”

2) With perfumed oil for His BURIAL – Matthew 26:7, 12.

This woman had spiritual discernment as the Lord had already predicted His death. This was a loving and beautiful act and our Lord corrected the distorted thinking of His disciples.

Yeshua spoke of her act of love and kindness being a memorial unto her.

The cost of this perfumed oil showed her devotion towards the Messiah and Son of God, showing us all there was nothing too good for Him. A lesson for us all as we serve our King.

We may note that the women who came to the tomb to anoint His body were thwarted by our Lord’s glorious resurrection. An angel told them “He is risen, go and tell His disciples.” Matthew 28:6-8.

However, Yeshua met them on the way, telling them “Rejoice”. They showed their love and devotion by holding His feet and worshipped their risen Lord – verse 9.

3) With the oil of gladness for ETERNITY- Hebrews 1:9.

The verse tells us – He loved righteousness and hated lawlessness.

In Yeshua’s thirty-three years no one could point out any flaw, failure or fault in His character and conduct.

He reigns in holiness, righteousness and splendour.

All Heaven truly declares the Glory of the risen Lord.

The writer of Hebrews in verse 10 of chapter 1 declares the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Creator of the earth and the heavens, the work of Your hands.

ADONAI – His Heavenly Title.

YESHUA- His Human Title.

MASHIACH- His Hebrew Title.         – Omen and Amen. –